Get to know us

We started as a small import and export firm for urgent Egypt and Mena region healthcare requirements , then we expand our operation with our sisters companies to focus in the next generation of therapeutics of rare diseases , cancer , and new health solutions facilitate diagnosis , on another hand we focus also on Life style diseases which generated since modernization , we developed most updated facility for research and development of new molecules plant based from herbs for obesity , Metabolic syndrome, diabetes , peptic ulcers , GORD

person holding red apple fruit
person holding red apple fruit

Our mission

To offer superior quality healthcare solutions with high quality , cost effectiveness and availability along MENA region

Our vision

The future health gate for health care theraputics

water droplets on a surface
water droplets on a surface

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by A. Baligh & Amr Fawzy , the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from A to Z in Healthcare & biotechnology industry

Amr fawzy

Manning director Founder Amr lifescience

blue textile with white line
blue textile with white line
Ahmed baligh

cheif executive officer & Manging director of Egypt experts

Light blue to purple gradient
Light blue to purple gradient
Hosam Ali

Sales director

ahmed el Kersh

investor relations and CFO